Friday, October 29, 2010

Catching up on posting:

A sketch of a grapefruit and plum on Jim's coffee table

The beginning of an abstract collage (that swath of sunflowers is a dress)

A freehand sketch of a jar, which I began with ink straight out of the dropper. Not so accurate proportionally, but a fun way to draw.

Lines drawn using a Micron ink pen. I used to make these years ago. I think I'll start drawing them again.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Makeup + camera + Photoshop + Painter = fun

Playing around with Painter again. Getting better.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

This odd bird started out as an owl, beginning with the collaged eyes. It became kind of an owl-dove-exotic bird chimera as I went along, drawing freehand with no particular plan except to incorporate the collage feathers I cut out and glued down ahead of time.

This is the inspiration owl, a little sketch I did a few weeks ago:

Friday, October 1, 2010

In the car with Cousin Dan on the way back from dropping Lee off to fetch his new motorcycle, I took out three colored pencils and held them to the page, letting the twists and turns and bumps in the road create the drawing. This is about 45 minutes' worth of doing so, with the time roughly evenly split between colors.
A very quick sketch of Ti Couz restaurant, from where we stood in line at the Roxie Theater. I ran it through a digital filter in an iPhone app to make it interesting.